
This Blog is based on my personal experience during a four day field trip for Outdoor Education 2 in my fourth year of study at University. Please respect my disclosure of thoughts, feeelings and attitudes.

Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Day 1 steep decent

I am really looking forward to this part of the journey. I have strong navigational skills and i feel fairly confident in walking down a steep decent.

My group is ready to move onto our next challenge where we have to find a very small sand patch in the middle of dense bush. I have great faith, our group is cooperative and i am confident in my compass navigation. Many challenges where foreseeable however my group worked together and encouraged one another to progress through the obsticles. We where successful and found the area in which we had been advised to find. i was feeling great and i was so happy and amazed how well my group worked together. i have found that friendships have flourished and strengthend within the members of our group. I couldnt be happier right now.

This picture is significant to my motivation for persistance
The group

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