
This Blog is based on my personal experience during a four day field trip for Outdoor Education 2 in my fourth year of study at University. Please respect my disclosure of thoughts, feeelings and attitudes.

Monday, 21 May 2012

Why Blog?????

I have found blogging to be a fantastic interactive way to reflect on experineces. I was able to capture the entirety of my trip, add in any photos and write about all the things that i was feeling and thinking. I would recommend it to any educational experience and any subject manner. It has the potential to enhance students' ability to recognise thoughts, feeelings and attitudes which can help them identify behaviour changes, learn of things that make them happy or things they need to work on as an indivdual. Once i got the hang of how to blog it was a very time efficient tool and user friendly. All things associated with blogging have been positive and enjoyable which are all aspects a teacher wants in a classroom and educational setting.

Wednesday, 16 May 2012

The Final Day Caving

So the day of caving has arrived. I am worried and feeling a bit lost as i can not seem to realise or determine how i am going to feel whilst in the cave. i am willing to go in with a peace of mind that it is going to be a great experince.

Whilst in the first cave i am feelin quite comfortable yet once we got to a certain point i began to feel anxious and uncomfortable, almost at the point where i wanted to literally run out of the cave but that is impossible. the feeling of being trapped was lingering in my mind and i was really uncomfortable. I began to have an anxiety attack and had to be calmed by my group members. I didnt enjoy the aspect pf caving and i am prouf that i completed the first cave but the thought of doing it again just haunts me. Another group member was also feeling similar and we shared a great moment outside the second cave and helped one another through the healing process that was needed after the exoperience in the first cave. Ian was also a great mentor and drove me to challenge my fear and wait for my team to come out of the cave, guiding them in darkness. at first i was feeling unsure but i soon got use to it and enjoyed helping others. so thank you to everyone who made this trip possible and unforgettable.

This experince would be a great way for students to discover themselves, build courage and strengthen friendships.

Day 3 Orienteering through Belangalo State Forrest

We have finally arrived at the point of the adventure that I am most looking forward to. Nicole and i have partnered up again and i am so ready for another journey. throughout the event i am so excited and full of anticipation. We are successful in the orienteering and so proud of our achievement. we got to see so many cool things along the adventure which made it so enjoyable. at this point i am feeling a bit tired but looking forward to a shower and marshmellow dessert.

a few of my favourite things along the way 

the final night was a lovely way to finish off the trip before our biggest day tomorrow where we are going caving. we had a marshmellow dinner, met a little friened of the hut, watch the sunset during a night orienteerin experince and share stories amongst the group. i am feeling home sick but the bond that i share with everyone is strengthening my will power.

bring on the final day i say..!!!!!!

Day 2 Night Canoeing

Story of the ghost trees
The trees have been banished by human nature, little did we know that we are floating through a sacred stretch of water. Intense energy of sadness, disappointment and sorrow is apparent in the air and I am beginning to feel all of those emotions within myself. The silence of the night, the pure darkness, the gloomy air and the endless sky creates a world of stillness and mourning. The trees are like a village that has been frozen in time and each and every one of them symbolises an effect of the event. It was as though the trees had their own face, sad, crying, disappointed, grieving, devastated and anguished. These all describe their expressions. It is as though they want those who visit them to remember the torment that they encountered. As we left I gained a feeling as though they were sad that we were leaving them but as a sign of respect pass their existence on to those who we know so that they will never be forgotten.

such an inforgettable experince you cannot capture the entirety of the experince unless you are there, but i have shared the story with countless people.

Day 2 Canoeing to Beehive Point

It was a late start and I was feeling a tad anxious. I had a bad canoeing incident when I was young and I have carried the fear with me since that point in time. However I am determined to complete this task and overcome my fear. Nicole was a great supporting partner and instructed me and guided me through the experience. We had some great laughs, quiet time and a few snacking moments and I thoroughly enjoyed the time we spent in that canoe. Amazing how a supportive friend and beautiful scenic views can hinder a fear and allow for further encountered experiences to occur. We arrived at camp just on dark, the temperature is rapidly declining and we are keen to set up camp and get warm. I am feeling a great sense of achievement and frankly quite proud of myself. I am so eager for night canoeing it is unbelievable!
ready for the adventure

This picture is my favourite from the trip. Where the moon meets the sun. I just love it

Day 2 Attempted River Crossing

The river at this point seems to be a lot more powerful so the boys have volunteered to attempt a crossing. Unluckily it was unsuccessful, but to see their will power and determination to help the group out was inspirational. They gathered the canoes to take us across the river where our next adventure will begin.

Day 2 Navigation to Tallowa Dam

I am involved in the same group as yesterday so I am feeling confident and ready to participate in the next challenge. Navigating our way along the rivers edge to Tollowa dam. I have found that the strength within my group is a unconscious motivator for our groups progression. I have made a note to utilise this in my teachging environment and allow students to work within groups that they trust and enjoy working with. We are again successful and are given the opportunity to see this amazing sublime dam, it is like nothing I have ever seen before. I could not believe what I was seeing. I have captured the true greatness of the Dam via a video which I have attached to this blog post. I recommend this experience to anyone who enjoys and adores the wilderness and fantastic visual structures.

Day 2 Refelction Time

So again we have been sent away for personal reflection time. i have shared my thoughts via two video's which i have uploaded to this post. i feel this is a fanatstic way for students to reflect their true inner feelings. I personally felt limitless in my reflection as i had no one around me to make me feel intimidated or nervous. The "any video converter" is also a great resource and i would highly recommend it to educators in all KLA's

Night 1 Reflection Around The Fire

The aim in presenting my reflection around the campfire to the group has a genuine aspect that is very meaningful to me. I wanted all of my group members to become aware of my deep thoughts and feelings about the river crossing. I spoke about the concept of persistance and determination. I feel these two words are an amazing tool for success and achievement. I quoted 'persistence and determination will lead you far in life' and i truely believe this, if i hadn't thought about these words as i was crossing the river i would never had made it across. It was great disclosing something so meaningful to me.

This picture is like a maetaphor to never give up, be confident, determined and persist no matter your strength or ability.

Day 1 River Crossing

The river crossing has finally arrived! To describe my emotions it would definitely highlight anxious, nervous but rather keen to encounter the experience.We had reached the point where we had to make an instant decsion about crossing the river as there was only about an hour left of sunlight. I was feeling a bit worried as my pack is extremely heavy and i wasnt sure if i had the strength to carry it myself and my pack across the river. When it was all said and done i decided to carry my own pack and persist across the river. I was successful and made it across safely, thanks to the help of my group :)

A big thanks to Eathan, Charlotte and Nicole for being such an amazing group! and thank you to Ian for the support from the other side, i love the saying 'the grass is alway greener on the other side', and it sure was.

Day 1 steep decent

I am really looking forward to this part of the journey. I have strong navigational skills and i feel fairly confident in walking down a steep decent.

My group is ready to move onto our next challenge where we have to find a very small sand patch in the middle of dense bush. I have great faith, our group is cooperative and i am confident in my compass navigation. Many challenges where foreseeable however my group worked together and encouraged one another to progress through the obsticles. We where successful and found the area in which we had been advised to find. i was feeling great and i was so happy and amazed how well my group worked together. i have found that friendships have flourished and strengthend within the members of our group. I couldnt be happier right now.

This picture is significant to my motivation for persistance
The group

Day 1 Reflection Time

The twenty five minutes that we had time to reflect and think about our own self was absolutely great. Finally i was able to take some time to de-stress and release my worries. It has been sometime since i have been able to do this and i truely enjoyed it. I wanted it to last for so much longer. The stress of university and work can take its toll on my social and emotional well-being and i found that the reflection time enhanced my ability to take a step back and relax. I dont think there is a better word to use than 'relax'. (ian, thank you for allowing this time it was so significant to me and it really helped me process and admire the beauty of nature)

the view from my refelction place. truely stunning!!!

Monday, 14 May 2012

Day 1 Kangaroo Valley Hike to Apple Tree Flat

So we have been up since 5am ready to venture from our home town to Kangaroo Valley. I am feeling excited but a little bit anxious but over all i am really looking forward to the opportunity. I wanted to take on board everything that Ian had taught me during class to prepare me for the trip. I feel that the tight bond i share with everyone in the class will get me through times where i am feeling vulnerable.
A particular moment that has really enatiled me to think is the first lesson about 'neuroplasicity' based on the brain trainning revolution. I am determined to allow my brain to let this occur over the field trip. I feel that i will take and learn more from the experinces and possess a more fruitful mind after the trip if i expose my brain to change and alteration. I am looking at it as a type of therapy to expose my mind to change and positive development.
So we have arrived at the Valley and are ready to begin our trip.

 Starting point :)

We were sent off into our groups and i am feeling confident. I have had many past experiences and i feel that this is a great start to the trip :) the group that i am in consists of people who i adore and communicate well with so i think this is a great start to the day. The walk was moderatley short and once we made made it little did we know that we would be arriving at a sublime lookout over a beautiful river and a ginormous dam. Was a rewarding feeling once we arrived.
After our small lunch break we were able to have some quiet refelction time where i am going to share my thoughts and experiences in my next blog :)

Before The Trip (initial thoughts)

When i was informed about the trip i had all sorts of thoughts..! they ranged from happy, anxious to excited.Tthe mix of emotions made a great impact on me. I found myself questionning my ability yet i was excited to be flourished with new opportunities that would help me develop as a person.
The first assignment 'My Adventerous Self' really allowed me to get to know myself more than i previously had. I suppose you dont take notice of the person you are until a task like this comes into play. I was searching through old photos, childhood holidays, adventures, times with friends and so on. So i really found that this task was a great way to allow myself to realise my capabilities and to believe in myslef :)

What a Morning :)

i keep finding myself wishing i could wake up to this every day..! what a magnificent image, its like a work of art..!

My First Time Bloggong :)

I have managed to set up my blog where i am ready to begin reflecting and reminiscing on the four day experience. It was most definitely a challenge but one that i will never forget! The physical challenges, the beautiful scenic views and the exemption from society really allowed me to encounter opportunities that i never imagined i would experience...